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AEA Research Highlights

The American Economic Association conducts podcast interviews on a wide range of topics with economists whose research appears in our journals. Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

Dec 13, 2022

When most Americans look for financial advice, they don't turn to academic journals for guidance. Instead, they’re likely to get information from financial personalities like Dave Ramsey or Robert Kiyosaki, whose books have sold millions of copies.

But how good is that advice? In a paper in the Journal of Economic...

Nov 15, 2022

Religion is a deep source of tradition and meaning for many people around the world, especially those in developing countries. But religious practices can sometimes stand in the way of long-term economic growth, according to a paper in the American Economic Review.

Authors Eduardo Montero and Dean Yang found that...

Oct 20, 2022

Major charity appeals can bring in hundreds of millions of dollars. But many worry that these efforts shift money away from other charities or merely move donations forward in time.

In a paper in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, authors Kimberley Scharf, Sarah Smith, and Mark Ottoni-Wilhelm found that...

Sep 19, 2022

The pandemic has taken a toll on the education system. School enrollment has decreased, teacher turnover has ticked up, and students have experienced substantial learning losses

But there is at least one silver lining, according to a paper in the American Economic Review: Insights

Authors Andrew Bacher-Hicks,

Aug 22, 2022

Every year, hundreds of thousands of kids enter the US foster care system. And yet, improving their welfare remains an understudied topic among economists, according to a paper in the Journal of Economic Perspectives

Authors Anthony Bald, Joseph J. Doyle Jr., Max Gross, and Brian A. Jacob lay out an economic...